Pryde of the X-men

So I’m watching the 1989 pilot of a show that never picked up. It’s the X-men before the 1992 version. It’s called Pryde of the X-men only because that was the name of the first episode and there was never anything after. I’ll compare it to the ’92 version because they were so close.

1) The intros are different. The music in this one sucks and there’s singing about what the X-men do. I like the ’92 version much better because there is no lyrics.

2) The animation is basically the exact same. It looks just like the ’92 version which is good because it could have easily been like the old 80s superhero cartoons which had terrible animation. By extension, the action sequences are better because the animation moves easier. This, however, does share a similar problem that the 80s and before cartoons did which was the wrong person would be talking when they show someone’s mouth moving.

3) The designs are very similar for some characters, and completely different for others. Since these shows were based off the comic books that were coming out at the time, in 3 years there wasn’t much change in the character designs. Wolverine, Magneto, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Emma Frost all look almost exactly the same. Others though, like Storm and Dazzler look completely different. There are some who are in the middle like Xavier and Cyclops. Xavier doesn’t have that stupid floating yellow chair but has the same clothes on.

4) I do not like the voice acting. At all. Colossus sounds like Dracula. Wolverine sounds like a Scotsman which doesn’t make sense because he is suppose to be Canadian. Emma Frost goes by the White Queen and sounds really stupid. She is suppose to sound sexy instead of an old lady.

5) The writing itself is not great. Magneto has assembled all the evil mutants together which makes it too simple. X-men there are suppose to be all these different layers of issues going on and multiple enemies on multiple sides, but in this they are only two sides. One is the X-men, and the other side wants to take over the world and make humans slaves. Also there’s too much exposition. Stan Lee narrates which is terrible. Kitty shows up and has only been there for a few minutes and immediately puts her life on the line. That’s just unrealistic because she doesn’t even know them.

So I can see why this show didn’t get picked up. It’s just not great.

In other news, Netflix put out Daredevil last week. I just started watching it last night and have only finished 5 episodes, but it’s not too bad. I hear they are planning on making a TV universe with all the Netflix shows and then maybe if they are good they will directly cross over with the movies. Sounds interesting. I wish there would be a few more Easter eggs from the movies but I see why they aren’t doing it. They don’t want to do a lot of important stuff in the shows in case they aren’t received well. That way they don’t have to acknowledge the shows in the movies.